Instrumentation & Methodology Symposia

IM-01 - Advances in 3-dimensional image reconstruction

The session will cover the quantitative analysis of X-ray and electron based 3D microscopy data. Electron and X-ray 3D microscopy is widely used in material science and is an emerging field with great potential in bioimaging. With the possibility of imaging 3D structures at high spatial or temporal resolution both ex and in vivo allows structural quantification that has many applications in bioimaging. In situ 3D imaging within materials science and 3D imaging of the interface between biology and materials science often requires imaging at different length scales. The full potential of electron and X-ray 3D microscopy can only be utilized having automated analysis methods and subsequent modeling tools. This session will focus on recent developments within X-ray 3D microscopy for both laboratory and large-scale synchrotron facilities as well as applications of 3D imaging techniques by electron sources.


Anders Dahl, Technical University of Denmark

Sara Bals EMAT, University of Antwerp

Invited Speaker

Ute Kolb, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz     

IM-02 - Innovative, modular and adaptable hardware: design, application and control 

Developments in electronics, manufacturing and modular components have lowered the barrier for microscopists to design, build and test their own innovative instrumentation. Advances in scripting, open control libraries (e.g. Python), have enabled users to control their instruments in more automated, accessible and flexible ways. In parallel, the drive towards inter-operable systems motivates the use of standardised ports, flanges and connectors. This session will explore innovations in low-cost, standardised, modular, and/or retrofitted and repurposed hardware, as well as novel methods of instrument control, acquisition or automation.


Lewys Jones, Trinity College, Dublin

Invited Speaker

Jo Verbeek, EMAT, University of Antwerp

IM-03 - Phase-related methods

This session will cover new developments in phase-related imaging techniques across electron microscopy, x-ray imaging and allied techniques. With the proliferation of high-speed detectors, we are increasingly able to (i) make use of phase-structured illumination in the imaging process, and (ii) employ novel reconstruction algorithms to extract both the phase and the amplitude of the transmitted beam – revealing samples in increasingly complex detail. In this session, we look forwards to exploring the synergy of these two approaches. We seek submissions relating to phase retrieval methods (i.e. ptychography, (Lorentz) DPC-STEM, TIE), and submissions relating to phase shaping as employed in the imaging process (holographic and interferometric methods, vortex beams and other probe shapes).


Laura Clark, University of York

Benjamin McMorran, University of Oregon

Invited Speaker

Philipp Pelz, FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg

Kayla Nguyen

IM-04 - New Instrumentation

Recent technological breakthroughs for both imaging and spectroscopy using electrons, ions, photons and X-rays, have provided a fertile new ground for correlative analysis of materials' structural, chemical and physical properties together with their functionalities at unprecedented spatial and spectral resolution. For this, state-of-the-art approaches to sample preparation, fabrication, and analytics that go beyond conventional methods need to be developed. This session will provide a forum to review and discuss recent scientific achievements at the forefront of new instrumentation development and the impact of these new instruments, where topical areas include: high-brightness sources, high-energy resolution monochromators, structured illumination, adaptive optics, novel aberration correctors, spectrometers, fast and collection-efficient detectors, as well as innovative focused ion-beam tools.


Benedikt Haas, Humboldt University of Berlin

Invited Speaker

Ondrej Krivanek, Nion

Penhan Lu

IM-05 - Spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging of hard and soft matter

Hyperspectral imaging has become ubiquitous in a wide range of techniques to couple spatial and spectral information at the micro- down to atomic scale. This session aims at exploring the latest advances in spectroscopies, including hyperspectral data acquisition, processing, and analysis on hard and soft matter, by electron, ion, and x-ray microscopy. It covers the recent developments of data acquisition schemes, such as low dose, random scan, multi-signal, etc., using spectroscopies like EELS, EDX/WDX, IR, Raman, He-Ne, XAS (soft and hard x-rays). Studies with focus on hyperspectral data analysis and modelling, using e.g. inelastic channeling, atomistic calculations, machine learning algorithms, etc. are strongly encouraged, in addition to contributions involving the development of novel hyperspectroscopy methods. Related Conference Theme/s: Imaging Quantum Phenomena. The Lab in the Microscope - In Situ, In Vivo, In Operando and Multimodal Microscopy


Matthieu Bugnet, French National Centre for Scientific Research
Demie Kepaptsoglou
, University of York

Nestor Zaluzec, Argonne National Laboratory

Invited Speaker

Berit Goodge, Max Planck Institute, Dresden

Jan Rusz

IM-06 - Diffraction Techniques and Structural Analysis

In recent years structural analysis and nanoscale crystallography using electron diffraction and related techniques has been transformed through a series of major developments, including 3D ED/MicroED; the advent of remarkably sensitive, almost noise-free, cameras and detectors; the introduction of automated data collection and big data processing (e.g. machine learning); and the availability of dedicated software that enables robust and reliable structure determination from electron diffraction data. This has led to an explosion of interest in both the physical and life sciences in using these techniques to (i) solve crystal structures not amenable to more conventional x-ray diffraction and (ii) use the high spatial resolution of the electron microscope to reveal hitherto unseen micro- and nano-structure using 4D scanning methods, acquiring diffraction patterns at every real space probe position. This session highlights the progress made in this area using (scanning) transmission electron microscopy including 3D-ED/MicroED, 4D-STEM, SerialED, SED, SPED, PED, CBED, SCBED, HRTEM, time-resolved diffraction and ptychography, and in scanning electron microscopy (with techniques such as EBSD (2D and 3D), ECCI and TKD.


Xiaodong Zou, University of Stockholm  Paul Midgley, University of Cambridge

Invited Speaker

Lukas  Palatinus

Colin  Ophus

IM-07 - Dynamic studies using micro-nano labs 

Recent significant developments in electron microscopy, x-ray and scanning probe instrumentation with new in situ platforms and fast detectors enable in situ and operando experiments to be performed with high spatial-temporal resolution imaging, diffraction and spectroscopy with unprecedented detail. This provides us the opportunity to glimpse into the state and functionality of materials during synthesis, operation or degradation in a defined environment. In this symposium, we aim to highlight novel approaches to in situ microscopy enabled, e.g., by nanofabricated devices such as microchip systems and 2D material devices. Applications range from material processes studied under various stimuli including gas, temperature, liquid and mechanical, but also from the increasing use of these capabilities in life science and soft matter. We seek contributions illustrating equipment development and novel use of existing equipment both in TEM and SEM, x-ray platforms and scanning probe systems, that can provide new insight into the state of active materials including novel bio-, soft and hard materials, nanoparticles and catalysts.



Erdmann Spiecker, Friedrich- Alexander University of Erlangen

Kristian Mølhave, Technical University of Denmark

Invited Speaker

Peter Schweizer, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 

IM-08 - Fast and Ultrafast Dynamics using Transmission Electron Microscopy 

This session will focus on advances in the study of fast and ultrafast chemical and materials dynamics (structural, electronic, magnetic) with transmission electron microscopy instrumentation and methods. Abstracts are encouraged in (but not limited to) the following areas:
Techniques and instrumentation for high frame rate imaging and the science they enable. Method and instrument development for increasing spatial, temporal, and energy resolutions in ultrafast transmission electron microscopes (UTEMs), both in stroboscopic and single-shot modes. Pulse compression methods and schemes, including those for generating attosecond electron packets in the stroboscopic mode and sub-nanosecond packets in the single shot mode. Laser technology/architecture and other means for generating discrete electron packets (e.g., RF cavities) that expand UTEM capabilities and the application space. UTEM-compatible cathode developments; including those based on swept beams, field emission, Schottky-type, and thermionic electron guns. Discoveries, new physical insights, and paradigm tests that have occurred because of, and have been enabled by, UTEM developments and advancements. In addition to communicating technology developments and the new scientific advances resulting from UTEM experiments, a goal of this symposium is to stimulate discussions on future directions of fast and ultrafast TEM and to foster the formation of new collaborations and new ideas within the community. Related Conference Theme/s: Live & Fast Super-resolution - Frontiers in Imaging of Ultrafast Processes. Imaging Quantum Phenomena.


Ilke Arslan, Argonne National Laboratory Jonas Weissenrieder, KTH

Invited Speaker

Ido Kaminer, Technion, Israel

IM-09 - Scanning Probe Microscopy: Imaging and Beyond

This session will focus on the last cutting-edge developments of scanning probe microscopies for the characterisation of materials, from soft biological and polymeric materials to hard inorganic materials. Beyond surface imaging, the session will highlight the abilities of SPM to characterise the surface properties of materials with a particular focus on the nanomechanical property characterisation with various AFM-based techniques and on the functional properties such as electronic, magnetic, piezoelectric properties with techniques such as EFM, KPFM, MFM, PFM, sMIM, ...


Philippe Leclere, University of Mons

Invited Speaker

Francesco Simone Ruggeri, Wageningen University and Research

IM-10 - Machine Learning-based processing and analysis of microscopy data

Cutting-edge microscopy couples state-of-the-art instruments and machine learning-based data processing and analysis methods to enable novel discoveries from the imaged samples. Recent developments in methods, availability of open datasets, as well as advances in computing capabilities have enabled the application of machine learning for the processing of microscopy datasets. Furthermore, the development of sustainable, open-source and user-friendly software is of paramount importance to make these algorithms and workflows widely available in the scientific community and to promote reproducible research. This session will feature recent progress in machine learning-based analysis methods, processing workflows, and open-source software in microscopy.


Lassi Paavolainen, University of Helsinki

Daniel Baum, Zuse Institute Berlin

Invited Speaker

Qian Chen, University of Illinois, USA

IM-11 - Advances in Single Particle Analysis (SPA) and Cryo-Electron Tomography (cryo-ET) for Cryo-Electron Microscopy

Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has become acrucial technique for analyzing molecular structures. Equally important is theapplication of these structures within their cellular context. This sessionfocuses on innovations in cryo-EM, including advancements in supportinginstrumentation and software analysis tools that are essential for achievinghigh-resolution results in both Single Particle Analysis (SPA) andcryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) for studying cells in their nativeenvironment. The power of single particle techniques and cryo-ET has driven aresolution revolution in electron microscopy. However, the success of thesemethods relies heavily on sample preparation and quality. Poor sample quality,lack of reproducibility, and the high skill barrier in using supportingtechnologies often limit the potential of cryo-EM. Recent innovations incryo-EM include improved grid preparation, the development of new detectors,STEM imaging, and automated data screening and collection. Additionally, advancementsin methods for handling thick specimens using cryo-FIBSEM, cryo-FIB lift-out,and cryo-fluorescence microscopy have become invaluable tools for preparingsamples before cryo-ET analysis.


Marta Carroni, Head of the Swedish National Cryo-EM Facility at SciLifeLab in Stockholm

Eva Kummer, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research

Invited Speaker

Arjen Jakobi, Delft University of Technology, Netherland 

Julia Mahamid, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany

IM12 - Development of sample preparation methods, instrumentation, workflows, and data solutions for volume electron microscopy

Volume Electron Microscopy (VolumeEM) refers to a family of techniques that extend traditional 2D cross-section electron microscopy into the third dimension. Techniques within VolumeEM include serial block-face SEM, FIB-SEM, serial section SEM or TEM, grid-tape TEM, and multi-beam SEM. VolumeEM has the potential to revolutionize bio-imaging by providing high-resolution volumetric biological data within the 3D context of cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. Despite its promise, VolumeEM still faces several challenges. These include issues related to throughput, sample preparation that preserves ultrastructure and provides high contrast, producing high-quality 3D resolution images, ROI targeting, system stability during long acquisitions, data consistency, and handling and analyzing massive amounts of data.

This session will explore developments in sample preparation workflows, their strengths and challenges, instrumentation, data handling, and analysis for VolumeEM. Additionally, it will highlight applications of these techniques to uncover new insights in biology and related fields. Given that VolumeEM is often used in a correlative approach, the session will also discuss protocol compatibilities with other imaging modalities such as light microscopy and X-ray imaging.


Christel Genoud, CEO of the Dubochet Center for Imaging Electron Microscopy Facility University of Lausanne; Swtzerland 

Jacob Hoogenboom, Department of Imaging Physics, TU Delft, The Netherlands

Invited Speaker

Martina Schifferer, Technical University, Munich, Germany 

Adrian Wanner, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland

IM-13 Correlative Microscopy Across the Scales 

Combining complementary imaging modalities can generate a highly informative, composite view of the sample and allows access to both structural and functional parameters across all relevant scales from the same sample. While the correlation of light with transmission electron microscopy (EM) is well established (generally referred to as CLEM), the frontiers of bioimaging are currently being pushed towards the integration of other modalities into correlative workflows, including both super-resolution and large-scale imaging techniques such as light sheet, X-ray or Volume EM to study intercellular relationships and put molecular information into its overall structural context.


Andreas Walter, Aalen University, Zentrum für Optische Technologien 

Joana Delgado Martins, Research Associated Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis, University of Zurich

Invited Speaker

Yannick Schwab, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany

Nicole Repina, Friedrich Miescher Institue, Switzerland